HITEC® Pierścień O-ring DW EPDM 70.503-00 (Następca HITEC® O-ring EPDM 70.10-02)

Dane techniczne

Więcej informacji
Oznaczenie związku Angst+PfisterDW EPDM 70.503-00
Twardość70 ±5 Shore A
Zakres temperatury roboczejod -57 do +150 °C
Średnia stabilnośćna gorącą wodę i parę, wiele rodzajów kwasów organicznych i nieorganicznych oraz roztwory alkaliczne
Środek wiążącynadtlenek
Zgodność/zatwierdzenie3-A Sanitary Standard,
ADI free,
AS/NZS 4020,
BfR XXI Category 4,
D.M. 06/04/04 n°174,
D.M. 21/03/1973 (Migration test),
DVGW CERT ZP 5101:2021-12,
DVGW W270,
DVGW W534,
EC 11/2003,
EC 1935/2004 article 3,
EC 2023/2006,
EC 95/2002 (RoHS),
EN 681-1,
EU 65/2011 (RoHS),
GB 4806.11-2016,
LFGB § 30/31,
NSF 51,
NSF 61,
SR 817.023.21,
USP Class VI,
NormaWymiary w zależności od norm ISO 3601
Na życzenie
Dalsze wymiary
Następca HITEC® O-ring EPDM 70.10-02

701 art.

Numer artykułu Wprowadź ilość Dostępność Najwcześnienjszy termin dostawy Łączna cena Operacje

Ogólne informacje o produkcie

Angst+Pfister is launching a new O-ring Assortment for drinking water that already meets all the major approvals requirements from February 2025 and beyond. The HITEC® O-Ring DW EPDM 70.503-00 Assortment is as innovative as it is safe and reliable.

The "assessment basis for plastics and other organic materials that have contact with drinking water" (KTW-BWGL) will come into force in Germany on 1st March 2025 and also be legally binding for elastomers. This means that fewer additives are going to be allowed in the elastomer compounds, and this will encompass peroxides. The carbon black used must be purer. The permitted migration values will be significantly tightened, as will be the microbiological requirements.

Angst+Pfister developed the compound for HITEC® O-Ring DW EPDM 70.503-00 on its own and owns the formula for it. The material with its new additives goes above and beyond compliancy with the stricter standards. The material shows very good results in long-term compression deformation tests. In addition it is degradation resistant to copper and brass - from which many pipes and faucets for drinking water applications are made. The same goes for silicone grease. The black EPDM compound meets the PAH Class 1 specification (in accordance with AfPS GS 2019:01).  

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